Logan Brown showed up in Boise in August 2018, before the Boise Bike Park was open and when The Basin Gravity Park was just a dream.
If you dig deep enough on his Instagram, you will find that Logan Brown hardly existed and wasn’t riding bikes in 2018/19. My guess is he was in the dark ages of the early years of college, wearing blazers and Sperry Top Siders…
Fast forward to late summer of 2020, Bogus Basin was underway building bike park, and the scene was transitioning from a low simmer to a roaring boil. Amidst the froth rose Logan Brown…Seemingly overnight, he had gone from a nobody college kid to “yo, who is this kid tagging us on Instagram.”
It was then we met Logan. Fall 2020 Logan made a quick edit on our brand new top-to-bottom jump trail at The Basin Gravity Park – Rabid Badger. Technically it was closed for the season, but those who knew were giving it some early loving.
That edit led to many amazing partnerships and friendships over the last two years, which, as we would come to learn, were Logan’s first two years on a mountain bike.
All of a sudden, Logan was everywhere, from Eagle Bike Park to Sessions at Crackland to community trail-building days in bike park. Logan went all in on biking, and we are so glad he did. He secured a role at VitalMTB.com as a Videographer & Contributor and was spending his summers in Boise instead of returning home from college. By doubling down, logan became a community contributor supporting and documenting the scene.
The Summer of 2021 was all eyes on Logan Brown. No matter the bike park, Logan could be found throwing T-Bogs and Crankflips every chance he could get. He would yank on random gaps and was manualing everything in sight.
Because Logan was always so busy putting out other rad content, we patiently waited our turn to showcase him – all we can say was the wait was worth it.
We set out on this edit to showcase Logan’s breadth of skills he had developed since picking up a bike May of 2020. To make things better, Logan was determined to put his brand-new Santa Cruz 5010 to the test. We pushed him to hit alt lines and little-known gaps in the park, take on our biggest jumps and attack a community-built unopened section of the park – 40 Acres of Freedom. To do something a bit different, we shot a whole roll of super 8 film as part of the project, something filmer Derek Weimer insisted on. Tagging along for the journey was Hunter Smith as photographer.
After two days of hiking around The Basin Gravity Park, we captured the following:
- Tons of hits on the Rabid Badger jump line
- A freeride line down a recently cut winter run
- Never before seen trails in 40 Acres of Freedom
- Alt lines on Loam Star Runner
- Quick hits on Space Nugget
- A new gap from Yellow Brick Road into Fox Trot, which may have taken his Santa Cruz 5010 beyond its limits.
Side note: Credit to the local groms who had previously attempted this trail gap on DH bikes but came up more than short…
All in all, we feel beyond fortunate to have Logan in our local scene as a rider, filmer, teacher, and leader. He is a part of the Treasure Valley’s bright future, and we hope you enjoy(ed) this short document his relationship with our local non-profit bike park.
The Basin Gravity Park | Wish You Were Here Ep 5: Logan Brown Gallery

Video Edit: Derek Weimer
Photos: Hunter Smith