Trails & Grooming

Current Conditions

Sunday, January 26th | Updated 6 am

Today’s forecast calls for mostly sunny skies ☀️

The high will be 20º, with a low of 5º 🥶

Variable winds are expected, ranging from 5 mph to 11 mph 😄 

Bundle up! Make sure to wear your warm base layers and an insulated outer-layer 🧤

Dark or mirrored goggle lenses will be best for today’s sunny conditions 😎

Night riders, tonight will be chilly with light wind, so dress warm and bring your clear goggle lenses 🥽 and maybe throw in a hand warmer or two 😉

See you up here! 🥳🏔

Today's Trails

92/92 Open

92 of 92 trails are open today

Today's Lifts

9/10 Open

9 of 10 lifts are open today
Square BB logo white

Alpine Trail Map

90 named trails, 10 lifts, 4 high-speed quads, 1,800 vertical feet, 2,600 acres of terrain, and 360-degrees of fun.

Grooming Key:

Morning Grooming Shift:

  • Deer Point Express Trails
  • Morning Star Express Trails
  • Coach Chairlift Trails

Night Grooming Shift:

  • Superior Express Trails
  • Pine Creek Express Trails

If it snows more than 2″ after the night grooming shift, these trails will appear ungroomed. Please check the “grooming” status combined with the “snow” status of a trail to understand the state of a given trail.

Where to Find Corduroy:

  • A trail that has both a “morning/evening groomed” status and a snow status of “machine groomed” has a corduroy surface.
  • A trail that has an “evening groomed” status and a snow status of “powder” has at least 2″ of fresh snow atop a corduroy surface.