May 30, 2019 (BOISE, ID)– From marriage proposals to memorable mishaps, Bogus Basin’s Morning Star Chairlift Story Contest has become a sentimental journey for local ski enthusiasts. The story contest, which runs now through June 2nd, represents a chance for one lucky winner to own a unique piece of Bogus Basin history by sharing their memories from riding the lift. The nonprofit recreation area announced in February that, after more than 50 years, Morning Star will be replaced with a new high speed detachable quad. Since then, Bogus has provided a series of opportunities for fans to win chairs from the decommissioned lift, including an online auction, two raffles, and now, the story contest. A second and final online auction is planned for June.
The winner of the story contest will be selected by a panel of celebrity judges. The panel includes local writers Betsy Russell and Steve Stuebner. Russell is the Boise bureau chief for the Idaho Press, where she covers Idaho state government and politics. She writes the “Eye on Boise” blog, is the current president of the Idaho Press Club, and holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. An avid skier and longtime Bogus Basin season pass holder, Russell is a self-described “powderhound” who once completed Bogus Basin’s pond skim “with only splash-induced dampness.”
Stuebner began skiing at Bogus in spring 1986 after moving to Boise to work for the Idaho Statesman. He has written over 10 books on Idaho outdoor topics, including Boise Trail Guide: 95 Hiking & Running Routes Close to Home, and Mountain Biking in Boise. He pens a weekly outdoor blog called “Stueby’s Outdoor Journal” and talks about the latest outdoor topics on 94.9 “The River” on Friday mornings. During the winter, Steve writes the Idaho Daily Snow for opensnow.com, talking about the latest water and snow forecasts for Idaho’s ski resorts.
Entries in the Morning Star Chairlift Story Contest should be emailed to marketing@bogusbasin.org by June 2nd. Entrants must be at least 18 years old, are only allowed one submission each, and must limit their story to 250 words or less. Photos are optional, but not required. The winner will be announced on June 7th.